In Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing your biophysical body has to move (in extreme forms, bi-locate) to the target. Be it a military centre or enemy person to be Remotely Viewed or Remote Influenced. Tim Rifat is Europe’s leading expert on Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing having had published 3 books on Remote Viewing: Remote Viewing the history and science of Psychic Warfare: Random House; 1999… by major publishing houses – not self published. His life has been in constant danger since he refused to work for Britain’s Secret Service, making him free to publish any cutting edge research. Now the problem with Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing is that while your biophysical body is out travelling (your Soul), Supernatural Spirits walk into your body and takeover – meaning you get possessed.
As you Remotely View and Remote Influence your energy bodies light up like a firefly as Hyperinfinity is transferred to your biophysical body, that drifts off and leaves your physical body vulnerable to possession. Hyperinfinity is the force of free will that keeps your body from being possessed while sleeping as it resides normally in your skeleton. Hence Bone Generators® the exclusive trademarked property of Tim Rifat. When you go Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing your free will, Hyperinfinity, flows into your biophysical body that then drifts off to do Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. Your physical body is now deficient in Hyperinfinity that acts as a safeguard to full possession. So all Remote Viewers and Remote Influencers get possessed by Supernatural Spirits. This means no sane person should use any Remote influencing or Remote Viewing protocols sold by anyone but Tim Rifat.
This is because all Tim Rifat’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing protects your physical body from possession while your biophysical body is away. All these technologies are fully trademarked and the exclusive intellectual property of Tim Rifat. If you see any counterfeiters copying our trademarked property be sure it doesn’t work and please e-mail us so we can add them to our warnings and sue for damages if applicable.
- The Remote Viewing and Remote Sensing E-Courses on www.psi-master.com come with Biophysical Augmented Intelligences to guard your physical body while you have vacated it, to kill all Supernatural Spirits that possess you.
- The Crystal version of Psychotronic Generators™ trademarked as Psychotronic Crystals® fill your body with devic crystal Hyperinfinity to lock out all possessing Supernatural Spirits: www.psychotronicgenerators.com – www.psychotroniccrystals.com – you cannot buy working Crystal Psychotronic Generators™ from anyone else; see Warnings about Loohan.com, LifeTech.org, NewTarot.com, MysticalWonders.org, the US/British Satanist governments criminal counterfeiter operations to open you up to possession.
- The Bone Generator® that remotely fills your skeleton with Hyperinfinity to make your bones kill all Supernatural Spirits to stop all possession by any entities. This trademarked exclusive technology is primarily on www.supernaturalspirit.com
- The Sublime Good® Engine technology to dump toxic Evil like Supernatural Spirits into Evil and suck them dry of all good – Sublime Good® to fuel your power. This is the exclusive trademarked technology of Tim Rifat found on www.psychotronicgenerators.com – www.supernaturalspirit.com – www.mindovermatter.ru – and www.psychicpower.ru
The Exorcism Service will cleanse you of all the Supernatural Spirit leeches in you, which you may be unaware of but block all psychic powers and destabilise you leading to mental illness and ill health. Be safe and cleanse your body from these parasites before it is too late. Then always use Psi-Lord Ltd products.
All other Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing companies and users being Sequestered by Psi-Lord Ltd’s exclusive technology which is fully trademarked and copy protected so all counterfeiters act as ScapeGoats, Total DeathGoat Zionists… for the betterment of our technology Replicant Vehicle Science – RV Science based on 5D Kline Bottle Psychotronic Crystals®, Bone Generators®, Psychotronic Generators™, Psychotronic Crystalware™, Crystalware and Sublime Good® Engines.
We know all US and British/EU Remote Viewing doesn’t work as they can’t find any terrorist or use RI to get the Moslems to stop fighting. Afghanistan lost, in Iraq the US tax payer has to pay billions tot he Sunni insurgents to stop them killing US occupiers, the attack on Russia by Israel led by US special forces in South Ossettia (formerly Georgia) failed even though all the US/Nato Remote Influencers targeted Putin’s Russia to not fight and allow the invasion of South Ossettia and Aukhasia. All these prove all US/Nato Remote Influencing has not only no effect but is reversed so all US/Nato Remote Influencing backfires.
It is said that:
All US Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing companies are run by or founded by ex-operatives who are forbidden by Federal Law to reveal anything that could damage National Security.
None of these ex-operatives of the CIA, DIA… are in Leavenworth Jail so they have revealed nothing of any real value therefore they must be:
Purveyors of disinformation to occlude the real knowledge of working Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing.
Their companies block by means of massive Federal funding all non ex-operatives who might have valuable and dangerous Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing damaging to US/Nato National Security.
The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, probablefutures.com has breached trademark law by advertising themselves as having connection to Psychotronic Crystals® the trademark of Tim Rifat. This is like Jo the plumber stating he is Sony® because he is a plumber (unregistered!) Now Psi-Lord Ltd would never infer any connection to Sony® even though the latter funded a multimillion centre specialising in psychic research technology. Sony® failed to develop this technology Psi Lord Ltd has developed it, Joe the plumber or probablefutures.com are just intellectual property thieves.
The Illuminati know that the CD’s and cassettes sold by these ex-operatives are no danger to them as only energy matters to psychic development. So if a wageslave learns any Remote Influencing protocols or Remote Viewing Technology anyone with more energy can block their efforts and use them in surrogate stooges – ScapeGoats. Until 1986 the Illuminati controlled all avenues of psychic energy and power, now Tim Rifat has Sequestered that Total Control. Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing run on energy lots and lots of energy, only Psychotronic Crystals®, Bone Generators® and the pure energy of Sublime Good® technology enable Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing on anyone or anything in or out of the Matrix.
The Matrix is a Chaos Sequestration in the Kabbalah. Ex-operatives run by the Talmudic Zionists NSA Bankers… are not allowed to give any information on the real Kabbalah so everything they write on the Matrix is bogus disinformation, so all their technologies to control the Matrix use you as ScapeGoats.
The Psychotronic generators sold are:
Seven psycrystals to tap into the seven realms of psychic space, to exploit this biophysical energy for luck, love, money, health, RV psychic powers, psychic protection and anti-ageing.
Nine BSRI-E psycrystals to disassemble the matrix of human reality, to fuel physical, mind-over-matter events to enable RI. The crystals channel the power of the council of nine – the biocomputer/entities that control the matrix, “shredding” them for fuel.
Four power rings, the gold, silver , platinum and double power rings feed off the power of the gold meme – love of money, the silver meme – worship of magic idolatry, and the platinum meme – the RV science meme Psi, warfare in the market place.
The power rings feed off man’s insane lust for money – gold, man’s obsession with worshipping idols, spirits… the gold and silver power rings therefore can tap into immense power for constructing new realities of wealth and power for the wearer. The Double Ring is for using the energy from outside the Matrix.
Seven psycrystals and nine BSR-E make the sixteen psycrystal psychotronic generator accelerators used for Quantum Time-tunneling RV to acquire technology from the present and future.
Tim Rifat
Tim Rifat is the World’s leading expert on remote viewing, psychic spying, Psychotronics, Shamanism Psi-warfare. As the only independent scientist in the field, he has had numerous articles already published, in Nexus Magazine, Alien Encounters, the X Factor… Tim has appeared on Channel 4, ITV, and BBC1, discussing remote viewing , as well as having appeared on numerous other TV and radio shows, including, Steve Wright on Radio 2 and is the Geopolitical and Military correspondent on US national radio: the Jeff Rense Show, the national US radio show.