The advent of the tenth planet Sedna has changed the entire manifold Psi-space destroying the 9 Cycle Matrix and bringing in the ten cycle of Dark Science knowledge of Dark matter and energy. The corruption of the Matrix has been shattered in the biophysical realm. Tim Rifat, the creator of psycrystals can now release to the public the other four psycrystals for general use, the continuation of the other 7 psycrystals love, luck, money, health, rv psychic powers, psychic protection and longevity. The new 4 psycrystals are the core crystals of enlightenment and untwist the human biophysical body from the 9 cycle Matrix to ten cycle outside the Matrix functioning. These new psycrystals are in the business mode:

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Those of you who have read my new book RV and RS for Managers will be aware that I am a business guru. The 4 new PCs in the business mode are perfect powerhouses to supercharge the business achiever who wishes to use the protocols in my new book. The high achievers in life all have the above 4 qualities in varying degrees. Together the 4 powers are unbeatable in uplifting the would-be aspirant to success.

The 4 new psycrystals have another mode, the Toltec Shaman mode:

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As you may be aware I am a devotee of Toltec shamanism as defined by the New Cycle sorcerers of post Spanish colonisation. The 4 PCs will be invaluable to any New Cycle Shaman, sorcerer, etc.

The 4 PCs have another mode, the Soul Mode:

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The fourth mode is the Interpersonal Relationship Mode especially for the caring sharing person. In this mode:

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These new psycrystals can be used to amplify the other 7 psycrystals to boost their powers. For example the Money PC collects for you ample money energy but holding the Wisdom PC in your left hand in its business mode boosts the money force so your mind has the understanding to use the money energy in the best way to make you lots of luck, money, Euros, edtc. Using the Money with the Entrepreneurship PC in its business mode (in left hand for both) uses the boosted money energy to give you the boundless drive and vision to manifest your business as well as remotely influencing reality so your dream becomes real. With the Fame PC in the business mode you use the boosted money energy to light up your aura and those around you so people come flocking to you to buy your products, services, or watch you speak.

With the Drive and Determination PC in the business mode boosts the Money PC so you force through your will against all opposition, smashing the competitors and mercilessly building your empire. This PC is perfect for business warfare as described in my new book as well as supercharging your RI to beat psychically the big moneymakers in the stockmarket by forcing them to become your RI puppets. One can also use all four new PCs in conjunction with the Money PC to superamplify the money meme for you and bring into being all the above simultaneously. This type of power is beneficial to the businessman who wishes to be a success in the market place when others are failing due to severe times caused by the war on terrorism. In the hard times to come on the Psi-Adept will benefit from business as he/she can alter reality to go his/her own way. The businessman will find the 4 PCs in the interpersonal relationship mode in conjunction with the Love PC RI people to

1. Love your understanding
2. Love to be motivated by you
3. Love to be around you
4. Love to do what you say

In conjunction with the memes for business in my new book, the Psi-Adept will be able to run his/her own business using love for your work rather than fear losing ones job.