The problem with mankind is not human but rather a result of the foreign installation, a dark energy/matter entity having possessed human’s energy bodies in a parasitic manner. Awareness is destroyed and replaced with a pseudo consciousness that we all accept as being our mind. This is an advanced form of RI, making the target an energetic zombie, then placing a servitor in the victim to control their thoughts and therefore their actions. In Westerners this condition is taken to it’s logical conclusion, the Anglo Demonic Reality: see and
In the early part of my development I had great trouble ridding myself of this unwanted parasite. When one rids one’s mind of it using meditation, concentrating on inner silence, or the agglutinising force that binds the energy body together, one finds the parasite is removed but returns once normal matrix-like consciousness is restored. Exorcising these dark energy/matter parasites permanently requires that one damages all of them simultaneously because the parasite is a hive mind. The parasite in you sits on the top of your energy body and is connected by an energy cable to the insectile who runs the herd of humans to which you are joined by this energetic cable. The insectile is part of a hive which supplies energy to their hosts the inorganic beings described by Castaneda in: “The Art of Dreaming…” Thus once you rid yourself of one of these insectiles, more come along because they breed like flies given a large food source – humans.
Dark energy/matter entities do not inhabit the awareness domain of light energy/matter beings, they do not have physical bodies, instead their dreaming body is binary: energy and non-corporeal dark matter. They have seven different types of awareness domains they can inhabit – seven different types of dream in which they simultaneously exist and are types of space – like time, to them time is just a distance which they can traverse like a corridor. This means that shredding these entities properly requires seven different PC’s tuned to each of the different types of dark matter/energy realities. That is why there are seven Psycrystals that use the shredded insectiles to power them and I have designed each one to use this energy to empower RV, Love, Luck, Money, Health… to shred insectiles or any other dark energy/matter entities one needs to simultaneously shred them in their seven different dimensions so they have no where to escape but into their space – like time to avoid destruction. One then needs to have seven bioparticles to shred the matter aspect of these entities. This drives the entity to try and escape via the space-like time, in it’s totality, so it can be completely, irrevocably destroyed.
Time travels from left to right in our mind’s eye so holding the large left hand awareness PC in your left hand, while placing the seven psycrystals at your feet in a circle around you, accesses this torsion field shredder (remember to place the bioparticles at the points of the seven psycrystals which should be pointing toward the centre of the circle (see photo on my website.) This past is blocked by the right hand awareness PC in your right hand which collects the insectile entity… and totally shreds it. Since you are connected to the insectile by your parasite it is drawn into your exorcism shredder PC assembly rather like a conveyor belt taking a victim into a shredder. The parasite is first expunged, then the insectile, then all it’s other parasites buried in it’s human herd, then it’s fellow hive insectiles and their parasite flock, then more insectiles…. leading back to the inorganic beings.
This process gives the human access to the energy of the humans in the insectile’s flock giving you both light and dark energy. The left awareness PC collects all the energy that would be taken away from you in the future, the energy that would be taken away from you in the future, the energy stolen you after your death as you are further processed by the entities in the after life, as well as the energy stolen from you again after you are killed as a spirit, when your awareness has been corrupted enough to enable you to become a torture shell – a doomed spirit eternally available to suffer to supply energy (see . The right PC collects the energy stolen from you in the past and used to age, derange, damage as well as zombify you into becoming a good citizen of the Matrix and ADR. Once collected this energy can be used to rebuild your awareness as if it had never been attacked in the first place.
To rebuild your awareness which is a coat of energy surrounding your spherical energy body as described in Castaneda’s “The Active Side of Infinity” (Chapter on Mudshadows) you need to download the energy from the two awareness PCs and their bioparticle PCs into your two bodies, physical and biophysical. This just leaves you open to predation when you forget there are more insectiles around you, as the human race is totally possessed. To stop further predation you need to protect your awareness coat permanently. This is done by fusing your energy bodies, both physical and biophysical and matter bodies both physical and biophysical with the awareness PCs:
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Since the crystal has a Capsule like energy body with nothing inside, if you can place your vulnerable awareness inside the crystal PC it is then totally protected from attack by insectile parasites. In effect you are transferring your awareness to the crystal world where you become a deva being, no longer human but a synergistic crystal awareness. Even after the physical body is destroyed your awareness has a new body both biophysical and bioparticle, energy and matter, created by your fusion with the crystal realm. The crystal gets awareness which since the earth is composed of crystals on it’s outer surface raises the consciousness of the planet exponentially making the earth in effect a giant deva. Since silicon and oxygen the constituents of quartz, are very common in the earth’s crust, humans partaking of this process have access to more quartz to house their growing awareness as they exorcise, shred, consume more insectiles…
The parasitic infestation of humanity is therefore used as fuel to empower the raising of your consciousness which makes the earth sentient via the quartz PCs and it’s bioparticle crystal PCs. Human awareness therefore turns the Matrix prison into the New Earth described in Revelations, flooding the inanimate world with consciousness. This turns the Matrix into the dream-like New Earth described as the 2012-1013 raising of consciousness.
The mechanics of this process until now have been kept secret, until the infestation of dark energy/matter was of such a density (Kali-Yuga) that enough psychotronic fuel would be available to empower the creation of Devic metahumans in the New Earth mileau. As one of the trail blazers for the new age, the progenitor of the new cycle, it is my job to give the mechanics of the process so it can be seen to be not only do-able, but advisable, if like myself one wishes to span world ages, not the seven score years of the infected human – unlike matrix humans.
Instead of placing the totality of one’s consciousness on the agglutinising force, done by visualising one’s assemblage point in the centre of both physical and biophysical bodies, one places one’s assemblage point in the centre of both bodies while simultaneously placing one’s assemblage point in the centre of the 4 Awareness PCs to merge your awareness with the devic world in the process protecting you from further attack. This enables the last vestige of your awareness to regrow inside the crystal world as a devic biophysical, bioparticle energy/matter 4 lobed nagual being, the perfected human. From that moment on your awareness is irrevocably used with the New Earth devic awareness of the metahuman, leaving the infected human Matrix behind as one gradually regains awareness of the true you. Having completed the exorcism protocol, one repeats it to access the psychotronic fuel to rebuild the damaged human awareness and to fuel it’s transformation into the nagual devic metahuman.
The BSRI-Engine is the other side of this process, it has nine PCs like the Seven PC plus two Awareness PC units, the BSRI-E is used to build the fabric of the New Earth., flesh out your dream as Psi has two parts, awareness and the reality awareness inhabits. Having raised and freed your consciousness and that of the earth, psychotronic fuel is used to change the fabric of reality creating the New Earth in all nine realms of the megaverse.
This is done by adding the BSRI-Engine PCs to your 7 psycrystals ini the circle around you (facing point inward in a circle around the 7 psycrystals, with their bioparticles at the points, all except the largest BSRI-E PC and bioparticle, the No1 human PCs) This should be placed at your left foot with the point and bioparticle facing your toes, this feeds the psychokinetic reality awareness into your body as you repeat the exorcism protocols.
The 7 PCs and the 9 BSRI-E PCs from the above are needed to change the dream of reality; with the No1 BSRI PC one reaches the limit of the Matrix described by higher octonions. Combining the BSRI-E and the Seven PCs gives one the 16 double PCs, the two awareness PCs mimic the nagual, the double lobed energy body needed to empower the release from the Matrix called: ‘The Eagles Rule’ given in the “Eagles Gift” by Carlos Castaneda. This array when linked with the Exorcism protocol fed psychotronic fuel enables the Psi-Master who has freed his awareness to remotely view the dream of the New Earth that he intends. The BSRI-E then adds the energy to the Psi-Masters dream to psychokinetically overlay this dream upon the Matrix in the BSRI-E layout:
In the process as one goes through the nine different types of reality available to the metahuman, the insect, dark energy/matter realms of the Matrix are turned to fuel to empower the voyage of metahuman awareness into New Earth realities.
Touch BPC to it’s partner PC to wed it as described below.
The human totality consists of two energy bodies the biophysical dreaming body used for lucid dreaming, the more important one is the physical body which is an energy field which includes the morphogenic field used to control all DNA operations; this latter body is used for remote: viewing, sensing, and influencing of the physical world. Unless you are a dedicated Psychic Warrior Shaman, the physical energy body is of prime importance to you to control the Matrix.
To this end each psychotronic amplifier must consist of two components, the biophysical and bioparticle which mirrors the dual nature of the torsionic solutions that make up the energy fields. Each crystal is a capsule of empty space, the outer walls consisting of both biophysical and bioparticle energy. These crystalline energy capsules can be filled with any energy – if you know how (technology from the far future) In the case of the bioparticle PCs they use the energy parasitised from humans by their dark energy/matter entities, not to enable these parasites to reproduce, but to empower your physical physical body as the negative insectiles are shredded by the PCs. Since dark energy/matter entities have seven different types of space awareness, the morphogenic field derived from shredding them has seven different phases:
Strength: to make you physically stronger and mentally. This bioparticle is linked to the money biophysical. To input hold the strength bioparticle in your left sock, as it is only a small fringe of awareness that reaches up to the top of your toes that still exists in man. Putting the bioparticle PC in your left bedsock while sleeping automatically inputs the energy into your physical energy body while your biophysical dreaming body is active, linking the two physical and biophysical bodies creating the TENDON ENERGY described by Carlos Castaneda in: “Magical Passes” (Harper Collins 1998) “The old Sorcerers… gave the name of tendon energy to a current of energy that moves along the deep muscles from the neck down to the chest and arms, and the spine.
It cuts across the upper and lower abdomen from the edge of the rib cage to the groin, and from there it goes to the toes… This energy… which I call tendon energy… is a dire necessity in the lives of those who travel in infinity, or want to travel in it.” As the only scientist to research using RV psychic technology from the distant past (circa 10,000BC) I can confirm Castaneda’s work is seminal, correct and has devastating ramifications.
This tendon energy is the energy linking the physical and biophysical bodies when they have been wedded together by developing both, after eradication of the dark energy/matter parasite. To link the physical energy body to the biophysical there are seven gateways of dreaming, awareness, tendon energy described in Castaneda’s: “The Art of Dreaming”. By connecting the biophysical dreaming body with the physical energy body one can turn the lump of putrefying flesh into an energy body malleable, rechargeable and immune from ageing. Turning flesh into a dream, one in which you don’t age, have superhuman strength, endurance, senses and potency. The strength BPC allows the energy collected by the biophysical PC to be funnelled into your body while asleep to give you:
[product_table tag=”1strengthbpc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
The next BPC is the Stamina BPC, this funnels endurance, staying power into your physical body. It is wedded to the Health PC and uses the energy collected by that PC to charge your real world form to give you:
[product_table tag=”2staminabpc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
The Potency BPC is wedded to the Love PC and enables your physical body to have the potency to needed for all aspects of your physical life to give you:
[product_table tag=”3potencybpc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
Speed (lightning reflexes) BPC is wedded to your Luck PC, it enables you to:
[product_table tag=”4speedbtc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
Agility/Adaptability BPC is linked with the RV PC and enables you to:
[product_table tag=”5agdbpc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
Focus/Power BPC is wedded to your psychic protection PC, it gives you:
[product_table tag=”6focpowbtc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
Resiliance/Resistance BPC wedded to the anti-ageing PC to enable you to survive long enough to break free of the Matrix. In Europe the anglo-demonic reality is rampant and is using all manner of devices to cripple it’s population, microwaves, fluoridisation, semiotics, electromagnetic drugging in the 2-20 KHZ range… To develop you must survive, that is the only rule. See and The BPC enables:
[product_table tag=”6focpowbtc” columns=”name,price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]To use the seven BPCs just place on foot region (as placed above) for as long as possible. During sleep is easy, during the day you need to have the BPC in your shoe or in an ankle locket if you are a woman and don’t have big clunky footwear. The BPCs are small for this reason and use the energy collected by the 7 PC set which should be left in a circle to shred all 7 type of insectile phase space. If you use the psychic protection linked power PC you do not need to carry the bigger psychic protection PC as it will download into your Power BPC as well as the other PCs and BPCs in your 13 Psychotronic Amplifier Power Circle.
Using the power energy of the animal of choice.
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The BSRI-E BPCs supply the physical energy for all RI, telekinesis, psychokinesis. As you evolve the BPC can be placed in your pocket as the awareness sheath around your bodies grows back. Use with the BSRI-E biophysical PCs for full effect if one is going into psi-space, the BPCs are only for physical real world effects.
The BPCs are charged with the morphogenic fields that control all DNA activity in the body. To this extent they can be used to alter the physical being by injecting or deleting the morphogenic field programming. A simple analogy would be that the morphogenic field is the software and the DNA the hardware of the physical biocomputer.
The Seven BPCs are flavour of morphogenic fields rather like ‘flavours’ of quark. The 9 BPCs of the BSRI-E are the nine dimensions of the morphogenic filed manifestation: the 3 dimensions of physical existence in the Matrix, the 3 dimensions of physical existence in Psi-space and the 3 dimensions of physical existence in other complete worlds composed of Dark Matter Energy or Light Matter/Energy described by Castaneda, Monroe… The Six Grail Stone BPCs are the different aspects of the cohesive Agglutinising Force that binds the physical energy body together and each have an energy centre associated with them in the physical energy body: pancreas centre, liver, kidney, womb, thymus, pineal, as described in Castaneda’s: “Magical Passes” Harper Collins 1998. The awareness BPCs are linked to the left and right torsion filed aspects of the physical body described in Castaneda’s books. The sex BPC are the physical energy body’s different alignment energies of the assemblage point either in or out described in Castaneda’s “Art of Dreaming” Together the 26 BPCs give the complete range of morphogenic field energies and from the 26 BPC torsionic soliton cyclotron one can totally control the physical body of yourself or using psychic karate, that of your target.
All 26 BPCs are needed to rework the morphogenic filed of the physical body. Unlike all other so called remote viewing experts I have developed the science to explain the whole of Psi. My results show that remote viewing is a result of the movement of the morphogenic field to another location. Lucid dreaming is caused by a shift of the biophysical energy body of the dreaming body. RV is based on the energy fields of the physical body and is therefore open to all people as the physical morphogenic field in man is but a thought away. Use of this RVSCIENCE opens the gateway to PSYCHOTRONIC REMOTE VIEWING.
Using all 26 BPCs one can psychotronically amplify TV to enable explanation of the Megaverse. In all applications one projects one’s morphogenic field through the BPC of choice which is held under or around one’s left foot while remote viewing. The roadmap is as follows:
BPCs (Grail) – The below 6 BPCs govern the 6 types of vibration of the agglutinising force that binds together all energy beings
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Using the BPCs (Grail) the remote viewer can control the beings he remotely views, drain them, or change them. This is vital for RI and psychokinesis, there can be no control of the environment and beings the remote viewer meets in the Megaverse unless the six types of vibration of the binding force of reality are available for use to give the remote viewer metahuman power to create or destroy at will.
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[product_table tag=”lrtorsolbpc” columns=”name, description, price,add-to-cart” description_length=”-1″ links=”none” search_box=”false” page_length=”false” totals=”false” sort_by=”menu_order”]
Psychic karate is a good way of injecting this sabotage-Matrix negative energy into the Illuminati, Demons (using special anti-Demon PCs on this site) and using anit-Occult technology to poison, corrupt the Matrix so ti acts as fuel for the Psi-Master to control the growing sabotage Matrix. This gives us the 26 Heterotic Torsion Soliton array of BPCs and biophysical PCs numbering 52 in all. Based on the mathematics of Octonians, Sedonians…. the six extraordinary Sets is the Total Psychotronic Generator, used to amplify all Psi in the very far future in other time lines – our time line being a failed one for the many and perfect for the few.
To set up the 26 BPCs PCs array you should place all the BPCs and PCs as shown on the pictures, on the side flat base pointing outside, point inwards, BPCs inside this circle near the points of the PCs. Place this circle around your RV chair to enclose it at ground level to fuse with the fringe of awareness at foot level on your energy body. The Cardinal Grail PCs should be at North, South, East and West. You can then project your RV body into any of the BPCs or PCs in any order giving you inumerable possibilities. You project your RV body into the BPC of cohesion to fix the mode of awareness, reality to visit, then attune for RI using the Grail Stones, Sex using the Sex PCs, BPCs or Psychokinesis, Telekinesis using the Awareness PCs. In this way the Total Psychotronic Generator gives you full power over all RV capabilities.
It is more difficult to use the lucid dreaming capabilities of the Total Psychotronic Generator, but to do this one must use the 52 PCs which are placed around one’s bed while sleeping. Once you are lucidly dreaming you choose the PCs not BPCs of choice to supertune your lucid dreaming. Only Psi-Masters like myself have this control so this is best left to naturally develop. Best is to use RV to tune into the BPCs then the PCs to fuse one’s awareness into the lucid waking state where RV and dreaming are synergistically combined using this method to produce lucid waking – a state far beyond simple RV.
All Psi faculties can be ampliefied by the Total Psychotronic Generator which I have labelled the Total BSRI Generator or (TBSRI) Until now I have been unwilling to sell the 26 heterotic torsionic solitan psyclotrons for fear of misuse but having mastered Psi, the new 52 PCs BPC system has been proofed against misuse. Any misuse just blows back into all the counterfiet quartz crystals sold by suppliers as psychotronic amplifiers. These counterfiet crystals their owners and creators are used as fuses to divert all negative energies away from RV Science products into all counterfiet crystals. In this way the owner of my products can experiment and be aware that no ill effect will come from misuse – all blowback goes to the counterfeit crystals which I have programmed worldwide to net in the above manner venting negative energies into their owners.
Total-BSRI is now a reality and RS, RI, Psychokinesis, Telekinesis… can all be amplified by use of TBSRI. Some of the simple protocols are:
1 Use BPCs for all physical effects and to RV as if it was a physical world
2 Use the PCs for all biophysical effects, to lucid dream and see energies
3 Use the 7 PCs for accessing the 7 types of dark energy/matter awareness
4 Use the 7 BPCs for accessing the 7 types of dark energy/matter reality
5 Use the 9 PCs for travelling in the 9 types of Psi Reality for power
6 Use the 9 BPCs for travelling in the 9 types of Physical Reality for power
7 Use the 6 Grail PCs for manipulation of all biophysical forms
8 Use the 6 Grail BPCs for manipulation of all physical forms
9 Use the 2 sex PCs for all Psi concerned with sex
10 Use the 2 BPCs for all physical concerns to do with sex
11 Use the 2 Awareness PCs to boost your physical awareness
12 Use the 2 Awareness BPCs to boost your Psi awareness
The 26 by 26 heterotic TBSRI Generator should be placed around you one of the BPCs can be placed by your left foot to focus all the energies on that one BPC. One of the PCs can be held if your left hand to suck in the biophysical energies of that PC amplified by all the others. One can push one’s physical energy body through any or all 26 BPCs while simultaneously pushing one’s biophysical body through one or all 26 BPCs to hyper boost any or all Psi
The 26 Total PC Array, consisting of 26 PCs and 26 BPCs in the Reality Engine which changes the dream we live in for another dream. The solid dream called material reality – the Matrix is now in the process of being exchanged for a new reality from the ashes of the old corrupt anglo-demonic world. This change started in 2002 with the earth’s shift to another phase of the galactic discs torsionic soliton. In 2012 the sun will rise ini a helical spiral that is supposed to end the common consensus reality and herald in a world where Psi is pre-eminent.
For the Psi-adept who wishes to take advantage of this new paradigm where Psi controls all events and is the currency of power the 26 BSRI-RE will prove invaluable.
Rather than having to purchase the entire 26 BSRI-RE at one go, the RE is modular allowing Psi-adeptship at modest cost. The modules are:
The 7 Psycrystals, these 7 PCs and their 7 BPCs enable the Psi-adept to control the 7 dimensions of the dark energy/matter entities that have up until now controlled the common consensus. Used in other ages as 7 rings of power for the dwarf kings, the 7 psychotronic array enables the user to tunnel into the labyrinthine second attention home of the dark energy/matter races in search of power: gold meme, silver meme, platinum meme. The power to control reality.
As seen above the helical spiral is the aspect of the torsionic soliton that sets this anglo-demonic dream in it’s evil state. The Psi-adept uses the destruction of the anglo-demonic reality as psychotronic fuel to control the now common consensus. As usual the wage-slave will still be slave but the control of reality will not be in the hands of dark matter/energy entities and their servants; instead the Psi-Master will wield power using RI/RS, and psychokinesis to alter reality to serve him/her.
The 7 PCs should always be placed in a circle points facing inwards, BPCs at their points. This sets up a vortex of power, literally shredding the anglo-demonic reality for psychotronic fuel. Keep one of the PCs and BPCs in your left pocket to channel this energy into you as psychic protection, RV psychic powers, money, health, anti-ageing, luck and love. When you go out take one of the psycrystals (PC+BPC) to feed on one aspect of the anglo-demonic reality, usually money is best as the human worships pieces of paper above all.
When at home you can hold two of the psycrystals in your hands, five in the circle. The one in your left hand shreds that aspect of the anglo-demonic reality you wish to consume, money is usually the psycrystal of choice. In the left hand hold the Psycrystal (PC+BPC) you wish to charge your reality with, luck, love… The psychic protection psycrystal is the one of choice in the left hand if you wish to charge your reality with money, psycrystal in right hand. Dark energy/matter beings/reality are shredded to fuel your reality of riches, all seven (PC+BPCs) act as a total shredder, blocking all 7 dimensions for the dark energy/matter vermin so they cannot escape being destroyed for psychotronic fuel.
For physical effects; strength, stamina, put all 7 PCs in a circle and 6 BPCs but places the 7th BPC in your left sock or shoe so throughout the day your fringe of awareness around your feet (Castanada: The Active Side of Infinity) will be fed with the physical energy you require for psychokinesis, physical effects. This left side energy is such that it immunises your awareness from attack as the dark energy/matter entities cannot digest the left aspect of the torsionic soliton. Once home you can put two BPCs in your left and right shoes or socks to manifest externally one of the seven intents of the BPCs as denoted by the right BPC.
The next module of the 26 BSRI-RE is the BSRI-Engine. To use spread the PCs in a circle and the BPCs at their points inside the circle. Carry the N°9 Earth PC and BPCs to use the RI protocols on the RI Secrets Course, the other eight BSRI-E psycrystals (PCs+BPCs) manipuate all of the nine realms of awareness simultaneously. If you don’t change all 9 your RI and psychokinesis are pulled back to the Matrix norm by the other 8 realities of the Matrix. To cause actual change you need to change all 9 realities simultaneously as the human Matrix is emeshed by the dark matter/energy entities and their realities. Therefore there are 9 dark Lords, insectiles, council of nine… to manage the Matrix ring wraith kings of Tolkien, shadow dark energy/matter. To manipulate reality all nine entities and their reality have to be coerced. As well as the 7 dimensions that each dark energy/matter entity has available to escape your coercion.
If you wish to change another of the realities use one of the other BSRI-E psycrystals as per specification. For example the N°4 PC and BPC are used for changing the mental realm of mankind to seed new memes or control the minds of humanity. The other 8 psycrystals are left in a circle while you use the N°4 PC and BPC to control the psyches’ of men. Useful for businessmen and politicians the legalised criminals of the Matrix.
Efficiency is increased if the 7 psycrystals are added to the BSRI-E to lock down the 7 bolt holes used by dark energy/matter entities.
The three rings are used as rings of power to boost the gold meme for riches, the anti-occult meme for destroying the Matrix as it is entirely sed on occult parasitic entities that control the zombie wage slaves of the Matrix that worship the paper currency they manufacture in exchange for the souls of men. The Psi-ring enables the wearer to inhabit the Matrix but not be subject to it’s rules. In essence a metahuman entity prowling the Matrix using it as psychotronic fuel. The gold meme ring can be used to wield wealth by feeding off the energy of worship mankind gives to money or it can be used to shape reality. The anti-occult ring feeds off the Illuminati’s worship of satanic entities, their debasing of mankind and the sacrifices they offer to their dark energy/matter Masters via war, mind control, disease and the putrification of the minds of men by the media, common consensus, or worship of false churches run by nazi deserters. The Psi-ring feeds off the body of the Matrix turning the structure of reality so the wage slave zombies find themselves in a world so fluid they cannot pin it down.
These 3 power rings added to the 16 psycrystals (PCs+BPCs) wreck the underpinnings of the Matrix, the torsionic vortex solitons which hold the Matrix together allowing the Psi Master to step outside of the Matrix while still being in it’s midst. Tolkien in Lord of the Rings described these rings of power and in his memoirs states the Lord of the Rings is based on the factual history of previous ages – a tall order but much mythology has been based in fact. As usual to use the rings are worn on the left hand to feed on energy of the Matrix and on the right hand to inject non-Matrix energy Matrix to build your own bubble of reality around you.